Timeshare - Owners - Leads

Timeshare Owners lists from American Business Lists is compiled from many different sources. Our proprietary alliances with Timeshare associations around the country creates a one of a kind Timeshare Owners List that expands far beyond just courthouse records. Our Timeshare Owners List is the largest and most complete timeshare owners list in the industry, and is selectable by "resort name". The timeshare owners list that's available at the county courthouse level only contains less than 100,000 records with phone numbers. Our timeshare owners list has in excess of 1,000,000 records with verified phone numbers.
Our Timeshare Owners List can be targeted by resort name or the residing state of the owner, and are extremely accurate, Guaranteed!

Available Selections:
  • Arroyo Robels
  • Bay Club
  • Costa Vida Vallarta
  • Embassy Resorts
  • Fairfield Resorts
  • Glen Ivy
  • Kona Coast
  • Maritime Beach Club
  • Marriott Resorts
  • Pacific Monarch Resorts
  • Peppertree Resorts
  • Riviera Beach and Spa Resort
  • Sands Ocean Club
  • Schooner Beach and Raquet Club
  • Sunterra Resorts
  • Trapp Family Lodge
  • Yachtsman Resort
  • Numerous Other Resorts Available!

Timeshare Owners Age distribution is:

over 55 years-- 37%
35 to 54 years-- 53.7%
under 35 years-- 9.2%
The average age of current timeshare buyers in the U.S.A. is 54 years old.
The average age of timeshare owners in the U.S.A. is 49 years old.

General Statistics:

The number of "empty nest" timeshare owners is 65.2%.
The median income of timeshare owners in the U.S.A. is $77,000.
55.7% are college graduates and 42.9% are high school graduates with some college training.
Timeshare owners take an average of 6.2 domestic trips a year, with the average duration being 4.2 days.
The average total number of days of personal travel per year is 25.7.
California leads the nation in number of timeshare owners by state, with 270,531 owners, representing 15.3% of owners nationwide. By region, the largest percentage of owners reside in the Northeast, which accounts for 38% of all owners.
Florida is the single-most preferred state by Americans for a recreational property purchase.
The next five most preferred states are California, Colorado, North Carolina, Texasand Arizona, in that order.

Timeshare owners are not from Middle America any more:

they are from upper-Middle America and above.

Favorite resort and travel destinations are:

Seashore/ocean/beach-- 56.8%
Snow-skiing-- 20.2%
Golf-- 26.7%
River or Lake-- 14.9%
Orlando-- 19.2%

There are nearly 5,000,000 timeshare owners world-wide, and:

85.6% of those who responded to the most recent surveys indicated that they are satisfied with their acquisition.
32.4% have plans to purchase additional time.
18.6% will either upgrade or modify their existing timeshare plans.

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